fredag, juli 30, 2010


En liten utflykt till Åsby blev det idag.

4 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Ny info om Thin Lizzy på wikipedia!


In May 2010 a new line-up was announced. Joining Scott Gorham would be original drummer Brian Downey, long-standing keyboardist Darren Wharton, Def Leppard guitarist Vivian Campbell, former Whitesnake bassist Marco Mendoza (who had previously played with Thin Lizzy between 1996–2001 and 2005–2007) and singer Ricky Warwick from The Almighty. In addition to a full UK tour in January 2011 this line-up has announced a gig at Dublin's O2 Arena on 4 January, on the same date as, and thus in conflict with, the 25th annual "Vibe for Philo" which takes place in Dublin every year on this date.

Anonym sa...

Tydligen ska de spela på Hammersmith lördagen den 22/1-11

Känns ju lite intressant faktiskt!


Anonym sa...

Kanon, låter riktigt intressant. Dessutom har Arsenal hemmamatch mot Wigan den helgen :)

Anonym sa...

Kanske blir att kolla upp detta...vore kul.
