tisdag, februari 12, 2008

Tänk så det kan vara

Såg detta på Arseblog:

On Feb 10 2004, Arsenal won 2-0 at home (v So’ton), TH14 scored his 19th of the season in the League; on the 11th, United lost at home (3-2 to Boro), and Arsenal went 5 points clear.

On Feb 11 2008, Arsenal won 2-0 at home, Adebayor scored his 19th of the season in the League, the day after United had lost at home, and Arsenal went 5 points clear.

2004 var senaste ligatiteln för Arsenal. Är det dags igen? Nä, jag tror (tyvärr) inte det. Men det vore riktigt roligt om det blir så.

Heja Arsenal!!!

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